Lawyering: Being technically good is just the first step
- By : Wong Mei Ying
- Category : Lawyering, Linkedin Post

Being good in the technical aspect of law is just the first step in practising law.
There is so much more that goes into practising law in the private practice.
Consider the following:
1. Having a template or precedent (even a good one) would not help much if you do not know what to look out for.
2. What information to ask from clients in order to structure transactions in the most effective manner?
3. What questions to ask potential clients in order to have sufficient information to prepare fee proposals?
4. When requesting other counsels to provide a fee proposal, what information to provide to them in order for them to prepare a sensible fee proposal?
5. How to say “no” gracefully to opportunities which distract from the practice you want to build or do not align with your belief?
6. How to optimize, build and scale a practice?
7. What to look out for in candidates when hiring?
I review every application for corporate associate position forwarded to me by our HR department for our current recruitment. I could only sigh when candidates do not make good use of their cover letters or have typos or grammar mistakes in their applications.
This post was first posted on Linkedin on 21 August 2022.