What keeps you going?


What keeps you going?

What keeps you thriving in corporate practice?

What motivates you to work day and night?

I get asked these questions from time to time, and twice in the past few days. Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t have a grand or inspirational answer.

For me, it’s a simple desire to do my best. There’s no big “why” that keeps me going. I just want to be able to stand behind my work with pride. When a draft agreement or legal document is sent out under my care, I want to know it’s clear, well thought-out, and thoroughly reviewed to minimize the risk of disputes in the future. I don’t subscribe to the idea of perfection, but I do believe in meeting professional standards and delivering  practical solutions.

I want to make my time and effort count. Getting better at what I do is something no one can take away from me. Mastery and growth are mine to own.

At the end of the day, I want to deliver the best possible results for clients who trust me. While there may be no single grand “why”, there is fulfilment in knowing my work helps others move forward. Whether it’s closing a deal or providing legal advice, there’s always a sense of satisfaction when I know the client is in a better position than when we started.

This post first posted on LinkedIn on 21 November 2024.

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