What to consider before appointing a director?
- By : Wong Mei Ying
- Category : Directors, Linkedin Post

Prior to appointing a person as a director, check to ensure the person:
1. is at least 18 years old;
2. is not an undischarged bankrupt, who has not obtained leave of the Official Receiver or Court to be appointed as a director;
3. has not been convicted of an offence relating to the promotion, formation or management of a corporation;
4. has not been convicted of an offence involving bribery, fraud or dishonesty;
5. has not been convicted of an offence under s 213 (duties and responsibilities of directors), s 217 (responsibility of nominee director), s 218 (prohibition against improper use of property and position as a director), s 228 (transactions with directors, substantial shareholders or connected persons) and s 539 (liability where proper accounts not kept) of the Companies Act 2016; and
6. has not been disqualified by the Court from acting as a director under s 199 of the Companies Act 2016.
The events which disqualify a person from being a director as set out in items 3 to 6 above apply within 5 years from the date of conviction or if sentenced to imprisonment, from the date of release from prison.
In addition to the above, Bursa Listing Requirements provides that a person must not act as a director of a public company listed on Bursa if the person:
(a) has been convicted by the Court of an offence, involving bribery, fraud or dishonesty or where the conviction involved a finding that he acted fraudulently or dishonestly; or
(b) has been convicted by the Court of an offence under the securities laws or the corporations laws of the PLC’s place of incorporation,
within 5 years from the date of conviction or if sentenced to imprisonment, from the date of release from prison.
This post was first posted on Linkedin on 24 September 2021.